Combining the Magical World of Illustrator and Enamelist

Enrollment included in Membership Subscription

Darci Shea Bogdan is a once in a lifetime student and I was lucky enough to be able to participate in her Journey. When she first came to me to learn cloisonne, she was already an amazing illustrator. It was a thrill to me to help guide her into the world of enameling and I knew that she possessed a talent and determination that could take her anywhere she decided to go. I also knew that the piece of her puzzle that I was unable to provide was something that Martha Banyas was the answer to, and in March 2020 two worlds collided and Darci had everything she needed to take my technique and marry it to Martha's technique to create something that no one had been able to do in quite this way before. The results are spectacular and it is my belief that the world of cloisonne will transform because of it. Be the first to learn from the originator how Darci creates Magic!

Workshop Format

Intermediate to advanced

This is an advanced workshop, you will need to have completed Waterlily Workshop 101 or have been a prior student in my classroom in California. The workshops here are an on-demand format so you can work at your own pace and not struggle to adjust your schedule to enjoy the learning process. All of the handouts will be available for you to download and print so that they are easily used as a reference at your workbench. The videos will be available for you to watch as long as you are enrolled in the Membership Subscription and of course you may download the handouts for unlimited access to the class information. Every workshop will come with a downloadable list of tools and material requirements, I will also include links to my favorite suppliers. You probably already know that I love to hear from my students and will set up Facebook pages that will be closed to the general public but open to enrolled students. It will be a place where you can share your triumphs with fellow classmates as well as the challenges you are experiencing. We will be there to answer questions and join the cheering section. Settle down into your workspace and we will share the steps that unlock the Magic. It isn’t hard, you just have to know how…